Education Ministry launches new initiative through school health charters to improve student well-being focusing on e-cigarette and bullying prevention
Photo Credit : Thai PBS (2024, March)
Source: ThaiRat, Thai PBS, Prachachat NEWS
The Ministry of Education (MoE) will spearhead a new educational health system program, driving the recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Educational Health Charter (2023). This agreement, between Thailand National Health Commission Office (NHCO) and MoE, aimed at improving health systems in schools, according to Assistant Education Minister Siripong Angkasakulkiat which stated at the workshop on driving policies into practice in educational institutions, focusing on the development and promotion of the school health system through integrated cooperation at the local level: Good learning, happiness, and quality of life, held on March 21, 2024.
The program aims to achieve the goal of “happy learning” by ensuring students’ well-being, promoting well-rounded development and healthy behaviors. It also focuses on creating a supportive environment that encourages healthy habits among students, teachers, and the community.
Siripong emphasized that the Educational Health Charter or School Health Charter will positively impact educational institutions by fostering alliances to protect and support schools as safe spaces, free from violence, gambling, and drugs. Surrounding communities will play a vital role in safeguarding schools by acting as watchdogs against potential dangers.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) has set a target for all educational institutions to implement the Educational Health Charter, aiming for at least 50% of schools to adopt the framework. This directive applies to all institutions, including smaller schools, with implementation scheduled to begin at the start of the upcoming school term.
Mental health survey of children under 18 years old from 2023-2024 found that 10.86% are at risk of depression, 19.12% are at risk of suicide (Source TPBS, March 2024)
In addition, the Assistant Education Minister stated after chairing the first meeting of the Ministry of Education’s Health Policy Task Force (1/2567) on January 25, 2024, that the Ministry of Education will accelerate discussions with relevant agencies to develop appropriate programs for schools, such as creating a student health charter. Once the charter is established, it will serve as a guideline that each school can use to design its own rules and regulations. There will be follow-ups on the progress of operations by the MOE’s policy committee, which will oversee all aspects of student health in every dimension,” he said. Added that the implementation of the Educational Health Charter will serve as a framework for each school to develop its own internal rules and regulations.
“The growing issue of e-cigarette use among children demands urgent attention,” said Siripong. He emphasized that prevention and control efforts include raising awareness about the dangers of vaping and its addictive nature, combined with strict law enforcement.
Every relevant agency and sector must collaborate to tailor educational efforts to suit each child’s age group, fostering an understanding of the risks of addiction. Siripong mentioned the need to raise awareness about vaping marketing campaigns while instilling values in the younger generation to discourage e-cigarette use.
The Charter can also be applied to establish measures for other issues, such as student hairstyle regulations, the wearing of scout uniforms, and bullying within schools.
An MoU to implement the Educational Health Charter was signed in July 2023. The framework promotes collaboration among students, teachers, and parents to create healthy environments spanning physical, mental, intellectual, and social dimensions within schools and communities.
Under the initiative, educational institutions nationwide will develop their health charters through collaborative efforts with parents’ associations, local communities, government agencies, and the private sector.
As a result, all learners, both in formal and non-formal education systems at all levels – totaling 10,516,125 individuals in the 2022 academic year – will receive quality healthcare, be well-informed, develop essential skills, and cultivate desirable health behaviors.
Source: https://www.thairath.co.th/news/local/2784768 ,https://www.thaipbs.or.th/news/clip/204417 https://www.thairath.co.th/news/local/2772812 , https://www.prachachat.net/education/news-1487535 https://ops.moe.go.th/%E0%B8%98%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B9%E0%B8%8D%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B8%E0%B8%82%E0%B8%A0%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%96%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%A8%E0%B8%B6%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%A9%E0%B8%B2/