World Health Assembly, Member States endorsed Thailand’s “Social Participation Resolution” push
Photo : NHCO, Thailand and WHO
Edited by: Danielle Thornton and Khanitta Saeiew
At the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, Thailand’s resolution on “Social Participation for UHC, Health and Well-being” lead, was officially endorsed.
With support from over 30 countries, Thailand’s resolution on social participation strengthens its role in global health. It calls on member countries, including those in the South-East Asia Region (SEAR), to empower all sectors of society to participate in health policy decisions.
Kerstin Vesna Petric, who leads the Office for Cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) at Slovenia’s Ministry of Health, said they also use this method back home. Petric shared that it works well because it drives policies that reflect public opinion. Slovenia is one of the member countries that accepted the resolution.
Slovenia has prioritized investment in the development of primary care clinics using social participation methods. Petric illustrated this with an instance of how discharged hospital patients are reintegrated into society. “By collaborating with the civil sector or NGOs, which have extensive experience working with vulnerable populations, they can establish support networks and create action plans that directly address people’s needs.”
Meanwhile, Dr. Preeda Taearak, Deputy Secretary General of the National Health Commission in Thailand, emphasized that social participation can manifest in various ways. However, fundamentally, the state’s role is to recognize the importance of safeguarding and establishing a comprehensive health security system for the people, a concept that extends beyond purely medical conditions. “The resolution’s approval confirms Thailand’s progress on the right path, and we must maintain our consistent and intensive efforts”, Dr. Preeda said.
Dr Bruce Aylward, Assistant Director-General of Universal Health Coverage at the WHO, mentioned Thailand’s longstanding and impactful collaboration with the World Health Assembly (WHA). He highlighted Thailand’s pioneering role in shaping global health policies, particularly regarding universal health coverage.
Thailand has actively raised important health issues, fostering discussions, agreements, and consensus-building. “Notably, the National Health Assembly, established over 17 years ago, has facilitated dialogue among citizens, governments, and decision-makers on critical health matters, including accessible healthcare methods. With its rich history and credibility, Thailand can serve as a valuable supporter, educator, and collaborator, propelling all of us forward together,” Dr Bruce said.
To read about the WHA 77 resolution on Social Participation for UHC, Health and Well-being click: